Donation Structure:

Respite Donations

One of the initiatives of the Be There Person Program is to provide respite for its participants in the form of relief funds or an outing. Taking those few hours to remove themselves from the worry of managing a loved one’s addiction or mental health crisis is at the heart of Arc’s mission. Examples include (but are not limited to):

  • Grocery funds or delivery when there is financial hardship or an emergency
  • Event tickets
    • Baseball game
    • Movie
    • Show
  • Restaurant gift certificates

To coordinate your respite donation, please contact our office by clicking below:

Click here


How your financial donation can potentially help:

$25-$100 – provide respite item

$100-$250 – Provide a week’s worth of groceries

$251-$500 – Provide a holiday or payment towards a credit card

$501-$1000 – Contribute to rent and/or utility bills

$1001 and over – Arc Contributor, helps organization increase overall reach to help more people in need

How Donations Are Used

Arc is most grateful for your donations. Most often donations are allocated to the families participating in the Be There Person Program, however, donations may also be put towards Arc’s infrastructure to help us help more people in the community.