At Arc, we’re driven by compassion.
That’s why we offer free support services to parents, siblings, spouses and friends who act as caregivers for loved ones with addiction or mental illness struggles.
You don’t have to face your challenges alone. Our organization is designed to provide caregivers, like you, the support and resources to thrive in less than ideal circumstances. At Arc, we believe in breaking stigmas surrounding substance use and caregiving. We are open to all, fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcomed and supported.
Call 888-9ARC-HELP
or fill out our contact form.
An Arc staff member will be prepared to have a conversation to understand your unique circumstances and learn about what support you are looking for.
Our team will pair you with someone from our ‘Be There Person’ team based on the specific challenges you are facing and considerations about the type of person you will feel most comfortable working with throughout your healing journey.
Our entire organization is here for you and ready to welcome you to the community! We keep the process flexible and customize experiences to provide the specific tools, resources and referrals each unique caregiver needs.
Arc will support you to find the strength and courage to take care of yourself, as well as your loved ones. With expertise and compassion, we will support you in your journey, connecting you with resources that will offer guidance and hope.
Peer support and Arc assistance is not one-size-fits all. Some caregivers might want to meet their Be There Person’ for coffee and chat while others might need help finding financial assistance programs.
9am – 5pm M-F
Use local hotlines (988) or
call 911 if you are experiencing
an emergency.
Our team will reply
within 24 hours.